wrote this in a flurry of similar activity on Thursday evening...
Jagged Edge – or – this is what White Line Fever is about, if not cocaine
Ride the wind
Or the rails
Or whatever
There’s some strange sort of
Or tension
Or something
From sailing close
To the jagged edge
When you sail too close
And the jagged edge
looms out
from the murk of fiction
and reminds you
of your own, crashing
and if you survive
well enough to lick your wounds;
to taste the burn
and the dirt
of the jagged edge
you’ll smile
a strange sideways smile
knowing you can never go back
and if you don’t
then you’re already there
the jagged edge don’t care
and with any luck
will get you in the end
better than a care home
and spiraling debt
and someone else
who doesn’t want to be there
wiping your arse
and stealing your watch
then this happened mid-dayish Friday
thank fuck for the NHS & free Codine! 12 hours in A&E, 5 x-rays, a bit of concussion and a sore neck and not one thing broken...bloody poetic premonitions! So it goes. |