appeasement to the gods of punctures & rain

more offerings along the wayside from fellow pilgrims.

whilst taking these snaps, a white van pulled up and two jolly gypsy fellas inside shouted "Alright mate, want some work?"
I said that I did, but was currently on my way to Margate, which was met with all round bemusement.
"What, on that?" the more forward of the two said, gesturing towards my pushbike, "Yep" I replied.
"Bollocks mate! Cheerio" they called, and sped off, splashing more water onto the weird, hanging icicle stalagmites.

Paul the skinhead, Margate.


apparently, Margate has the highest ratio of boarded-up shops to functioning ones in the UK.
(My main ode Tommy Robinson has some fine snaps of Margate here)

ta-da! Mark & show...good work gents
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