Tuesday 27 April 2010

Men Died Building that River! - or - A Severe Case of the Angry Apple

I love Bristol. One day I'll live there, in a boat, on the river, which was built by Irish, Welsh & English navvi's, whom ended up in an almighty punch-up, which claimed many of their live's. So it goes. For now though, I'll have to make do with occasional excursions to the South West with Jerry Vincent Price in tow and an excess of the angry apple.

Falling off of a Megabus at 2 in the morning, I blerrily followed my nose, not having the foggyist where I was headed, when I found Vasey in a bin, with a stash of unopened ale he'd just found...as I say, I love Brizzle!

fruits of the city.

found Maxxx & Vince in fine form...Jerry was actually green when I first saw him

help me mannn...

Jerry & Gibby

Tim scored some faux-leather chaps...more fruits of the city.

one of Milo's many brain-childs

found this handsom drowning stairing up from the bottom of a puddle

maxxxwell mega-legs

dave the goat patents the infamous 'Crompton Bypass'


  1. Face down with that look of terror in my eye It looks like i've Od'ed! ha ha

  2. i think you pretty much had...angry apple...hell of a drug!

  3. ha ha to much meat and apple jucie and absinth never did Vincent van g-cough any harm!
